Collaboration with estate agents, notaries, accountants, surveyors, etc.

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Suggest a project site

Are you a notary, accountant, surveyor, estate agent...? Then you must know land and building owners. ION specialises in almost all types of property development (residential, office, commercial, etc.), so there are lots of potential opportunities you can spot for us. Contact us.

Mutual collaboration

  • Quid pro quo. We offer a fee in line with market terms and/or the possibility of a cooperation.
  • You and your client can count on a long-term relationship with a reliable partner with the necessary financial clout.
  • Our reputation is built on the quality of our completed projects. So you can rest assured that we will further enhance your good reputation and that of the selling party.
We are known for the quality of our completed projects. So you can rest assured that we will further enhance your good reputation.
Koen Demedts
- Head of Business Development

Discover our references

Short-term feedback

It is definitely worth contacting us. We will give you feedback at very short notice anyway. Turns out there is no opportunity after all? Then we will be happy to refer you to a potentially more suitable party.

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Discover the possibilities of working with ION.

The power of collaboration: become one of our partners.