Climate-friendly and sustainable materials

Sustainable future

Our mission is to create an environment that is friendly to the climate as well as to people. To this end, we carefully describe the use of sustainable materials in our construction projects, looking specifically at the life cycle assessment (LCA) of each building element. This approach allows us not only to anticipate reuse and recycling in the future, but also to factor the CO2 emissions of building materials into our choices.

In addition, we focus on avoiding heat islands in city centers. We integrate green spaces, green roofs and white roofing into our designs to contribute to a more climate-friendly environment. These measures not only enhance the aesthetics of our projects, but also help reduce heat-related problems in urban areas.

Monteco, the first high-rise office building with a sustainable wooden structure in Brussels

We always take a hands-on approach, because we want to transparently prove what sustainability efforts we are making. We illustrate this with concrete projects where climate-friendliness is the decisive factor in the choice of materials. A recent example is Monteco, the first high-rise office building with a sustainable wooden structure in Brussels that was custom-built for Nagelmackers.