ION and Flemish investment firm PMV to redevelop historic Panquin site in Tervuren

in Reliable partner

A consortium consisting of Waregem-based project developer IONand the Flemish investment firm PMV(through the ‘Vlaamse Erfgoedkluis’) will be redeveloping the Panquin sitein Tervuren. The municipality of Tervuren, which had acquired the site from the ministry of Defence, awarded the redevelopment project to this consortium after an open competition.

A dream that will become a reality

The Panquin site is located near the town centre of Tervuren, the Robiano Ponds and the Warande Park. The competition for the redevelopment of this lot arose from the long-standing and deeply-rooted wish of the Board of the Mayor and Aldermen of Tervuren to restore and strengthen the relationship and the connection between the town centre and the Panquin site and its surroundings. “Paramount to our vision for the future is a well-considered redevelopment that strengthens the town centre, while maintaining and respecting the existing cultural heritage that is of great value, embedding functional new building projects in harmony with the surroundings.It is our job, in the municipal administration, to create a pole of attraction for living, working, hospitality and recreation,”says mayor Jan Spooren. 


The master plan presented by ION and PMV is the result of an intensive consultation process and constructive cooperation with architects, engineers and the public authorities involved, in particular the municipality of Tervuren, the Agency for Nature & Forests, and the Building Heritage Agency.The total surface area of the project site is 37,000 m², while the total floor area of the buildings consists of 13,300 m² of new construction and 7,900 m² of restored heritage.The Flemish government is investing approximately 600,000 euros in this project through the Agency for Nature and Forests.Joke Schauvliege, Flemish minister of Nature, Environment and Agriculture: “The development of the Panquin site fits in with my ambition to strive for more accessible greenery in the Flemish Strategic Area surrounding Brussels. With the Sonian Forest nearby, there are still a great deal of good opportunities here, and at other gateways, to strengthen one of the most important nature reserves in our country.” 

A new purpose for existing heritage

The landscape-determining and historical quality of the Horseshoe Complex, the Orangery and the surrounding landscape is unmistakable. Today, the site is somewhat of an island between the centre and the Warande Park. Soon, this will be a thing of the past.The historical buildings, the new building wings and the open, public spaces should be recognizable as parts of a single architectural and landscape unit that is connected to the park and the town centre. 

The Horseshoe Complex (the old barracks) and the Orangery will be given a new publicly accessible function after their restoration by ION & PMV. For one, there will be a hotel. Between the Robiano Ponds and the Warande Park, there will be a green corridor with an extra pond ‘giving way’ to the Orangery and piercing through the existing constructions along the Duisburgsesteenweg, providing a view of the park. This new pond immediately guarantees continuity in the landscape and forms the heart of the Panquin site. 

Three New Wings

ION & PMV will also be joining forces to build three entirely new wings. There will be a residential complex along the Duisburgsesteenweg (project titled ‘De Poort’ – the gate)that will serve as a gateway to the centre, connected to the Orangery and the Horseshoe building. The ground floor of the ‘Poort’ building will house offices, bars, restaurants and retail. Between the Orangery and the new pond, a new residential wing will be added (project titled ‘Het Plein’ – the square). The third residential wing (project titled ‘Het Park’ – the park)connects to the park forest and also overlooks the second residential wing. A total of about 100 residential units are planned, corresponding to all kinds of possible family configurations. In addition, there will be life-stable homes with wheelchair-accessible facilities for both senior citizens and people with a slight physical disability. 

Open & Easily Traversable

The entire site should have a relaxed open atmosphere. It’s important that all these open spaces are interconnected through a network of informal and public paths for passers-by, residents, employees, pedestrians and cyclists. That’s why the site will be completely traversable, connecting the town centre to the valley and the park, with pleasant landscapes being restored or recreated. So, a stroll through the new Panquin site will definitely be an enjoyable experience! 


The entrances to the car parks will be located so that their impact on the centre is minimal, while various interventions and functions will limit the traffic burden in general. Cars can be parked in the public ‘Parking forest’ and in the private underground car parks below the 3 new wings – each of which will also be equipped with a public bicycle rack. 

ION & PMV as Proud Partners 

We are very pleased that we have been able to embody the urban development vision of the municipal administration team with this master plan and that we have succeeded in combining landscape, monuments, open spaces and new building wings into one coherent project, always with Tervuren’s identity as a starting point and inspiration. It requires a great deal of vision and perseverance from the local representatives and we are very grateful for the constructive cooperation with the Board of the Mayor and Aldermen
Davy Demuynck
- CEO & Co-founder ION
“With this project for the redevelopment of the Panquin barracks, including the construction of many new apartments, PMV can fully assume its social role in service of a beautiful piece of heritage in Flanders, given its support for the sustainable redevelopment of this 18th-century monument. We are also pleased to be able to do this together with the municipality of Tervuren and in joint venture with our trusted partner, ION”
Gert Cowé
- Businessmanager Vastgoed at PMV.

Learn more about project `Panquin'